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How Can You Help Fight Anti-Fishing Legislation?

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Stopthelockout led the fight against the NSW state government, who in 2018 proposed the introduction of a new marine park, that was to include 25 sites from Newcastle to Wollongong. 


Popular fishing spots would have become off limits to everyone who enjoys fishing. This included fishing off boats, on land, off rocks and at the beach. Our favourite fishing spots would have been turned into sanctuary zones. This meant no more fishing in areas of Sydney Harbour such as Chowder Bay, Spring Cove and Camp Cove along with Cape Banks and parts of Botany Bay. The entire coastline from South Bondi to North Coogee would also of become off limits and further south, areas in the vicinity of Port Kembla would also have been declared special purpose or sanctuary zones.


Today we continue to fight battles against governments who try to implement bans on fishing, decreasing bag limits and increasing size limits of species, without scientific data to justify these fishing management strategies. Currently we are looking to stop the impending ban on Spanish Mackerel in QLD, because the lack of scientific data provided by Fisheries Queensland is a slap in the face for recreational anglers, comercial fishers, local businesses and tourists who travel to QLD solely to catch the species.


Stopthelockout is about our community and anyone who enjoys fishing. Let's fight these  proposals together not just for us, but for future generations to come. We are one voice and we are united!!

By joining this group you are voting against proposed non-scientific marine lockouts and fishing management strategies.

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"Fishers are not the problem.

We are the solution"

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© 2018 by Stop The Lockout. Proudly created with The Tech Team

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